"People who are not happy with themselves, cannot possibly be happy with you." This phrase has stuck with me for a number of reasons. I used to hate myself. I wanted to be anyone else except me. For years, I thought I had to change in order for people to like me. I did everything I could to do just that. I cried myself to sleep when someone didn't want to be my friend for one reason or another.
In high school, I realized that if someone doesn't like you, it's not the end of the world. In fact, it's the beginning because then you can focus on those who embrace who you are to the fullest. Now, I'm free to be me. I have found people who love the fact that I'm creative, in love with ASL, enjoy making videos, in the process of writing a book, have soccer in my heart and so much more. This lesson has also taught me to hold onto those I love tightly, but to let go of those who don't make an effort. Why change for someone who already has an opinion of what you SHOULD be like without knowing you?
Whenever I'm down, I repeat this song until a smile erases the tears. I hope this songs helps all those who struggle with liking themselves. :D
Hey, hey, hey!
It's Fat Albert!
And I'm gonna sing a song for you
And Bill's gonna show you
A thing or two
You'll have some fun now
With me and all the gang
Learning from each other
While we do our thang
Na, na, na
Gonna have a good time
Na, na, na
Gonna have a good time
Hey, hey, hey!
This is Bill Cosby coming out with music and fun
If you're not careful, you may learn something before it's done!
Hey, hey, hey!
Na, na, na
Gonna have a good time
Hey, hey, hey!
Na, na, na
Gonna have a good time
Hey, hey, hey!