Advertising - New Challenge, New Love
Through the last couple of years of college, I became interested in the Marketing/Advertising world especially when given a taste during my internships. Creating ads provided me a new outlet for my creativity while stretching my brain in a different way. I never dreamed of advertising being a plausible career path until working with Mintz + Hoke. They gave me the chance to try real advertising work, which involved traditional (print, TV, and radio). Unbeknownst to me was that there is more to advertising than what is called "traditional." Through LinkedIn conversations, I've come to realize just how big and intriguing this world really is.
My freelance position has given me the opportunity to try writing some TV and radio ads, which I've posted below.
Radio spot
Kid: Mommy, what’s Craigslist.com?
Mom: Well, remember when you outgrew those toys and Buffy the Vampire Slayer pajamas?
Kid: Yea…..
Mom: You can sell those things on Craigslist.com.
Kid: Who would buy Buffy the Vampire Slayer pajamas????
Mom: Someone did. Got $45 for them!
Kid: WHAT!?!?!??!?! Nooooooooooo!!!!
Narrator: Craigslist. Buy. Sell. Just about everything.
Kid: Mommy, can I sell Lindsey?
Mom: Absolutely not! She’s your sister!
Kid: So?
Announcer: Craigslist.com, everything and just about anything
Classified Advertisement website to buy and sell
I was asked to come up with a few ideas for a TV ad depicting the new Airbus A330 that was launched in September 2014.
Shooting Location: Plane
Actor(s): Woman (age 30 – 40), kid (age around 6)
Video Audio
Camera on Mom with kid walk onto a plane.
Cut to view of spacious inside. Kid [SOF] “WOW!”
Mom [SOF] “Let’s find our seats”
Cut to actors settling into their seats
Boy [SOF] “Did you know that this plane has a Rolls Royce engine and that it can travel 400 nautical miles more than other planes?”
Cut close to Mom giving kid puzzled look. Mom [SOF] “You’re six years old, how do you know all this?”
Boy [SOF] “I’m an avid reader Mom, what can I say?”
Cut to kid relaxing in seat and pulling out a
thick book about planes.
Supers fill screen:
“Airbus A330” (bold and centered)
“Even little kids know about” (bold and centered)
Shooting Location: Inside Boeing plan and Airbus A330
Actor(s): 4 (mix of female and male)
Regular Boeing versus Airbus A330.
Flashback and forth between the two planes.
Video Audio
Camera to outside of Boeing plane Boeing makes loud noises
Cut to Airbus A330 Airbus A330 quiet as a mouse.
Cut to actor squeezing into Boeing’s small seats
Cut to actor settling into Airbus A330 spacious seating.
Cut to inside Boeing plane Crew member voicing how to exit the plane safely – feedback on the microphone, passengers cringe.
Cut to inside Airbus A330 where crew members
and passengers smiling as they locate nearest exits.
Actor catches Actress’s eyes and blushes.
Cut to Boeing Actor watching a film with headphones Actor complains loudly, hitting the screen
Cut to Airbus A330 Actor watching film laughing,
clearly enjoying it.
Cut to Boeing’s crew cabin where a crew member
tries to relax, keeps hitting head on the ceiling,
feet kicking walls, rolls onto the floor.
Cut to Airbus A330’s crew member who is sleeping Actor snores rather loudly.
Supers fill screen:
“Powering into the next decade” (bold in center)
Airbus A330 (bottom center)
Shooting Location: Street
Actor(s): Family of four
Video Audio
Camera on family in a Rolls Royce driving along a street. Family chatting [SOF]
No engine noise.
Cut to Airbus A330 flying overhead.
Cut to family looking upwards.
Cut to Airbus A330 close up. View of inside cabin
No engine noise.
Cut to same family in Airbus A330 Family chatting [SOF]
No engine noise.
Supers fill screen:
“Compliments of a Rolls Royce engine” (bold in center)
Change to:
“No need to shout to be heard!” (bold in center)
Airbus 330 (bottom center)