The Sassy Baker
The idea for this project came in the year 2019. I'm not sure how, but the more I thought about it and researched what I would need to start this, the more excited I became. When I looked on YouTube for something similar to what I was dreaming about, I couldn't find anything. That realization was like a slap in the forehead, DO IT!
Mind you, I had never made a video before. My passion was photography so you can find a gazillion photos on my Instagram. Videos? Rare. Honestly, I had no idea what I was diving into but my gut was saying to go for it, so I did.
My goal is to create dishes and desserts that are easy, while at the same time providing history and background into the life of a Deaf, Black, Christian woman. Not that Hollywood, reality TV stuff. Real life. In most of my friend circles, I am the only person who identifies as one of the three things mentioned above. I want to educate but also show others a different perspective. Of course, let's not forget eating good food! Enjoy!