This commercial made me crack up so hard! I felt so bad for the husband. Watch and you'll see what I mean.
While we should ALWAYS remember anniversaries, especially one that involves our spouses/relationships, I feel that a calendar might come in handy for those of us who are prone to forget. I can see, however, how this man immediately thought it was their anniversary and that's what the card was for, since he literally just woke up. How many of us automatically know what day it is the second we open our eyes.
Because this is such a cute and absolutely hilarious ad, I don't even notice that it's trying to sell a car. It could've been just a very early Valentine's Day commercial for all I knew. There are so many of them these days that I feel like lose focus, but maybe it's just me. Not being a huge car enthusiast, I'll probably remember that this is about Toyota, but other than that.....nada.