Misleading labels and advertisements are two aspects of American culture that make me mad. We've slowly gotten rid of food companies trying to use certain words or leave them out in order to entice consumers to buy them. However, the problem still remains with Americans having health and obesity issues. In advertising, we have brands selling items that make it look better than it is or can do things it actually can't. In order to not get slammed with lawsuits, a disclaimer is written in white in .1 font or stated in less than 10 seconds.
One recent example of this is the new Schick Intuition for women. I bought one of these before I saw this commercial, so I know for a fact how this works. One of the main ideas of this commercial is that you will be able to shave your legs while doing other things. No! The package says that it works best when the skin is wet at all times. So, therefore, you cannot clean your apartment and make sure your legs are wet at the same time. Maybe there's a disclaimer somewhere...............
Despite all this, I really like how my skin feels afterwards. So I personally won't be returning this product.