Super Bowl commercials are usually either seriously weird or greatly inspiring. The particular one I want to talk about is the latter. Serena Williams, world famous tennis player, has been an icon and a role model for women and men, especially for those of color. Instead of choosing an easier career path, she decided to be the best tennis player she could be despite many challenges. Her mindset to strive for excellence is what has helped her rise to the top. I look at her and think to myself, she is exactly the type of person I want to become--fearless and defying labels!
I remember my Dad telling me senior year of high school as I was getting ready for college, that many people will label me before I even open my mouth because of my gender and my race. In their eyes, I already have two strikes against me. However, it's up to me to decide if their negativity will affect me or not. At the time, I didn't think much of it. Sure, there have been people who thought I couldn't play the flute or soccer as well as I did, or even get an A on a science test. I've come to enjoy seeing jaws drop when the song or game ends. I've never been one to brag, but while growing up my parents were always extremely proud when I tried my best and succeeded at whatever I set out to do.
Like Serena, my past had a lot to do with the kind of person I am. When I face an obstacle, I don't give up; instead, I find ways to get around it and over it and become a better person. Don't let others label you; define yourself!