"Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering" is a quote stated by Master Yoda in Star Wars I. Besides the fact that Yoda is my favorite Star Wars character, I wanted to discuss this statement because of its profound truth.
You see, this is, in my opinion, a fact that can be linked to issues such as bullying, greed, extortion and many others. When you're afraid of something or someone, what happens? Maybe you stay away or maybe you try to find a way around it. When I'm afraid, I tend to do whatever possible so that I don't come in contact with whatever it is. For example, I'm afraid of bees. Terribly afraid of them to the point where if I see a bee anywhere near the front door, I will go out the back door.
My fear of bees has risen to where I utterly hate them above all things on this planet. I wish they'd all die. People remind me me that without bees we wouldn't have honey or many of the foods we eat or flowers we see. Well, I now hate flowers. Seriously. If a boyfriend or relative gives me flowers, I won't tend to them. I'll just let them die.
This hate of bees has led to anger too. I hate the fact that bees exist! I wish they were never created! This is one of the reasons why I love fall and winter so much. NO BEES!!!!
Because of this fear, hate and anger for these creatures, I don't enjoy the beauty of flowers. Every time I see flowers, I'm reminded of what helps them bloom. So, in a way I'm suffering. I don't use honey in anything. I don't wear anything with flowers on them. I don't use soap with flowered scents either. Granted, I can't just not eat so I've chosen to put them out of mind when consuming.
What do you fear? Do you hate that thing? Are you angry because it exists? Are you in any way "suffering" from this fear? Meaning, is the person or thing that you fear causing you to lose sleep or feel tense? Realizing the problem is half the battle. The other part is releasing its hold on you. I've had to learn this too. Granted, my "bee issue" is really not that big a deal. However, getting upset with someone because he or she wants to give me flowers isn't something I should continue doing. In this country/society, giving flowers is a sign of many things including congratulations, I'm sorry, feel better and I love you. If I can look at a flower and not be freaked out about it, you can deal with your fears too.
Master Yoda may be an old man (well, creature), but he has wisdom beyond all of us.