I love how when the New Year approaches many of us strive to make a positive change. Personally, I think we all should do that. The hardest part about it is continuing even when it gets rough. Cliches have never been a thing of mine but whenever I think about resolutions, the first thought that pops into my mind are those people storming the gym the first couple weeks of January. On the one hand, I commend them for at least getting on the treadmill or even driving to the gym, but it takes dedication and consistency in order to achieve goals.
Living the same old, same old is no way to exist. We should aim higher every year, be a better person and try new things. The key is to not give up! An example of that would be when I was younger, my friends and I joined the school band and a few weeks later, one by one, they dropped out. We all started learning to play wind instruments in the fourth grade. I had thought about quitting too, but I loved playing. Now, playing the flute is hard, mind you, as is any instrument. I remember my teacher telling me that many kids stop playing because of the fact that this instrument in particular is one of the hardest.
I make it my personal motto to not give up on anything until I've exhaused every avenue to succeed at a project, sport etc. Having this motto has granted me experiences and beautful completed projects I honestly thought I would fail at. I continue to try new recipes, crafts and explore the world around me. However, I refuse to learn how to bungee jump!
You never know what you can do until you try. Go for it all the way!
Happy New Year! 2015 here we come!