Personally, when I see or hear news about something that happens and the only word they use to describe the situation is "alleged," feelings of sadness and anger overwhelm me. Why? Because news should be based on facts. Unless you're the weatherman, you shouldn't just say things and when they don't come to pass...oh well. With news, you are either uplifting or tearing down someone's life. No story is just a story, it has implications to it.
How many times have we been told growing up not to gossip? Why do people tell us this? When you gossip, nothing good comes of it. The way I see it, this type of "news" is gossip. The media continues to throw allegations around before getting all the facts. Until you have all of them, don't report it. Simple.
Remember when women came forward saying they had a relationship with Tiger Woods? Later we found out many of them said that so they could be on the news! Ridiculous and quite sad, actually. Did the media learn anything from that debacle? Tiger Woods was getting slammed by the media, press and tabloids everyday and more and more allegations were thrown. People started hating him! How is this following our nation's so-called mindset for justice, "innocence until proven guilty?" It's not.
So until all the facts come to light, it's not news; it's just an article to get people to buy the magazine/newspaper. Stories have implications and are about people with lives. Treat them with respect. Don't tear them down. Do real journalism and report the facts.