Did you watch Mr. Roger's Neighborhood as a kid? I did. A month or so ago, I came across a quote from him, "One of the greatest gifts you can give anybody is the gift of your honest self." How powerful is that?
I believe this lesson can be put into practice everywhere in life, especially in strong relationships such as best friends and bf/gf. For me, I try to be myself and not pretend to be someone else because I've learned that when being someone else, it feels alien. If someone likes you better when you're someone else, that person isn't worth your time. You're made to be exactly who you are and no one else. It's ok not be to good at basketball or love shopping. We are each unique and we should be proud of that!
Honesty goes a long way; I've learned that one the hard way. Sometimes I think a person would rather hear the lie that makes them happy than hear the truth that makes them sad. In reality, it's usually better that they hear the truth that makes them sad for a little while rather than a lie that makes them happy. There are times, though, where I just keep my mouth shut. One has to learn how to discern when to say what to whom. It's a challenge we all have to face.
See, honesty brews trust and trust brews a close strong relationship. Love is an awesome word and when it's said you feel amazing! But it shouldn't be used flippantly. Instead, one should make sure he/she trusts that other person fully and is willing to put the other's happiness first, which leads me to my next point. What is love? In my opinion, based on experiences and facts, love is putting selfish feelings aside and making sacrifices if you think it makes the other person happy. My desire is to find someone who opens my eyes and helps me see the world differently. Each guy I've been with has made my world just a little bit bigger and has helped me learn about myself. For that, I am glad I met them.
First be honest with yourself, then when you're ready, be honest with everyone else.