In the episode, "Tuhon," on NCIS, Tuhon told a story. He said imagine all of the people you love are in one room. Suddenly, there is a flame that's hot and it burns hotter as time passes. You can only bring one person by the hand to safety--who do you choose? Sam says he will bring his kid. Callen says he will walk out alone because he's thinking of the orphanage he was in as a kid. Tuhon says his flame is on the end of a candle on his kid's birthday cake. Afterwards, he leads him by the hand to a room full of presents.
Me? My flame is in my heart that sizzles with creative sparks. Everything I do has some sort of creative element in it or around it. My love for creating jewelry, designing clothes and even organizing are filled with my passion for creation. I'm unique and proud of it!
So, what is your flame?