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American Sign Language LOVE

Some people believe that Deaf people are dumb and that American Sign Language (ASL) isn't a real language. Those are both myths. I first discovered the Deaf world when I decided to learn ASL at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, CT. In college, I continued pursuing this love by joining the Hands of Praise sign language choir. From there, I went to Gallaudet University in DC, the first University in America exclusively for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, to expand my knowledge. It's a beautiful language and my desire is to teach the world that the Deaf community is nothing to be afraid of, but instead something to explore. I love that it's so unique and expressive. Telling a story in ASL is vastly different from any spoken language.

HOP Christmas Concert 2012

Amazing Grace


One Time

Lately, I've been writing many stories and poems about Deaf Culture because it's become another passion of mine. I have many goals for my life and one of them is to expose the positives of being Deaf and help everyone see the beauty of the Deaf world. My hope is as you watch these videos that your eyes will be open and you'll be intrigued to know more. I encourage you to check an ASL video out of your local library or watch YouTube videos using ASL. I personally recommend Jessica Flores, Amanda McDonough and The Essential Sign channels. Some are sad and some will make you laugh. All will give you a sense of what ASL truly is and means to a Deaf person. My personal favorite is Mr. Holland's Opus. Here is a list of movies with Deaf and Hard of Hearing actors/actresses. Watch one or two and see the world from a different perspective.


Whenever I end up settling down, I want my family to know ASL and others around me as well. My HOP family has continued to encourage me to keep learning and never stop teaching them. I love it when they asked me questions about Gallaudet University or a new sign. Feel free to ask me anything as well. Use one of the methods below to contact me.


If you'd like to learn some basic ASL, visit Bill Vicars or ASL That! YouTube channels. 


C: 860-371-8832

IP Relay: 860 -341-5670 

© 2013 by Ruth Jackson All rights reserved.

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